SEA-MaP kicks off training under the Knowledge Exchange Program in Bali, Indonesia



Bali, Indonesia, 19 – 20, 23 August 2024: The SEA-MaP Regional Project kicked off its inaugural Knowledge Exchange Program (KEP) in Bali, Indonesia, which comprised of a three-day training and two-day study tour with the theme of Behavioral Change in Plastics and Plastic Waste Management. The KEP was participated by representatives of the ASEAN Member States (AMS) and the ASEAN Secretariat, and was organized in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).

The SEA-MaP Regional Project welcomed all participants to the Program and highlighted that the KEP, a key deliverable under the SEA-MaP this year, plays an important role in addressing the need for capacity building in plastic waste management across the ASEAN region. The Program has been designed with the aim of enhancing methods, skills, and understanding of plastic waste management, while strengthening knowledge-sharing networks among government officials of AMS.

The training component of the Program featured a mix of expert presentations and interactive discussions. The participants learned from institutions such as AIT, the University of Leeds, the World Bank, and local community players, as well as waste management organizations. Collaborative activities involving group discussions provided a space for participants to engage in a lively exchange of views, sharing best practices and policies of their respective countries with their peers.

The training focused on key topics such as a review of policies and regulatory approaches to plastic pollution in the region; discussing behavioral change strategies in engaging communities and promoting sustainable practices; common methodology for plastic pollution assessment; exploring linkages between the ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris in AMS and the Global Plastics Treaty; innovative solutions and technology applications for plastic pollution mitigation; and a panel discussion on exploring strategies for implementing single-use plastic (SUP) bans and extended producer responsibility (EPR) policies, among others. The Program was concluded on 23 August 2024 with a reflection session and discussion on holistic solutions to mitigate plastic pollution and on plastic waste management, as well as the awarding of certificates for participants who completed the Program.

Visit these links to read on the first and second days of the Study Tour that were held as part of the KEP on 19 – 23 August 2024.